All Tracks
PolyRider XILSLABS demo by Maor Levi
Maor Levi created this demo with several XILS-lab synthesizers (but the drums),
Helgaland by Mikael Adle (Leap Into the void)
Demo track featuring version 3.6 factory preset created by Michael Adle (Leap Into the Void)
Aether by Adrian Jimenez (ZenSound)
Demo track featuring version 3.6 factory preset created by Adrian Jimenez (ZenSound)
Satie by Lotuzia
Done with the AnalogVille soundset, Drums by StiX
Analog_Activity by Lotuzia
Done with the AnalogVille soundset, Drums by StiX
Mortelune2 by Lotuzia
Done with the AnalogVille soundset, Drums by StiX
Wreckers by Lotuzia
Done with the AnalogVille soundset, Drums by StiX
Lorelei by Lotuzia
Done with the AnalogVille soundset, Drums by StiX
Disco_Fara_Da_Se by Lotuzia
Done with the AnalogVille soundset, Drums by StiX
Formentera by Lotuzia
Done with the AnalogVille soundset, Drums by StiX
Broceliande by Lotuzia
Done with the AnalogVille soundset, Drums by StiX
Inseparables by Lotuzia
Done with the AnalogVille soundset, Drums by StiX
Dubby_Toons by Lotuzia
Done with the AnalogVille soundset, Drums by StiX
The_tiger_and_the_butterfly by Lotuzia
Done with the AnalogVille soundset, Drums by StiX
PolyKB III Awakening by Lotuzia
Departing train by Boele Gerkes
This track features 12 instances of the PolyKB.
There is some overall reverb from Logic plus a compressor/limiter from TC Electronics on the master. But all sounds are pure PolyKB.
A night in Marseille by Lotuzia
Loungy track exploring the quiet side of the PolyKB II. The Scratches are made by the PolyKB too ! The drumloop comes from the Zero-G Chilled Grooves series and the VST reverb is 2C-Audio Aether. No other processing ( Eq, Compression, automation) was used.
Très grande vitesse by Analog Planet (Chris Holloway)
This track features several instances of the PolyKB and other drums, with little or no EQ, effects processing or compression.
Milan,Im your father by Lotuzia
Inspired more than revisited by the main Star Wars Theme. The Drum Loop is a Freeware loop from Eq, no comps, no additional processing, A Lexicon HW PCM80 was added on the stereo bus.The great Vadorish Strings Sound has been designed by my friend Peter Schelfhout, as was the driven teebee recreation.
DiscOOo ad lib by Lotuzia
A kind of Very Old School Disco Ad Lib. Once again no Eqs, not a single comp. The Drumloop comes from the Zero-G Classic Disco Series and the VST reverb used is AAR Art Acoustic Reverb
PolyKB Blues by Christopher Clement
This track features five instances of the PolyKB and other drums.
TCS PolyKB by The Circuit Symphony
This track features 12 instances of the PolyKB and other drums.
pixifoly by Alain Guelis arranged by Georges Poropat
Adapted for us by Georges Poropat, from music composed by Alain Guelis, named Baptême de limage and extracted from Pixifoly that used 2 PolyKobol 2. This track uses 5 instances of the PolyKB, drums from NI, voices and a Glockenspiel from Omnisphere.
Boogie Sounds by Frank Sieben
This track features several instances of the PolyKB playing Frank Sieben's own presets (soon available) with only some EQ and other effects.
Inner Temple Meditation by Goodhart & sweep
sweep has added some parts to the Tibetan bowls track Inner Temple Meditation from Rich Goodhart's recent album 'Shaman Mirror Medicine Tree.' This section of the piece uses three overdubbed PolyKBs. The full piece can be heard on Sweep's website at and includes Tibetan chanting, XILS 3 and Roland V-Synth among other things. The Rich Goodhart piece is used with his permission. Rich Goodhart's website is at
Notre Dame by sweep
Created by sweep who already made a lot of very nice sound tracks for the XILS 3. This track features several instances of the PolyKB played through a Lexicon
Tweak Demo by Robert Elster
This track features a PolyKB playing in Unison
Preset AnalogVille
AnalogVille Separate 1 by Lotuzia
AnalogVille Separate 2 by Lotuzia
Preset Demo : Tracks done with one or very few presets (usually no effects, No EQ)
Preset Demo from TomWolfe by Tom Wolfe
Tom Wolfe has created a demo track featuring his new factory preset for the version 3.6
Industry Forgotten by Status (Daniel Stawczyk)
This demo track is featuring Status (Daniel Stawczyk) PolyKB III presets integrated from the 3.5.0 version). Only Kick and snare are from PolyKB II factory preset, all the other 33 presets in that demo are from Status (
Keys Preset samples by Lotuzia
Single Keys preset samples
Dance Leads preset samples by Lotuzia
PolyKB II Dance Lead preset samples
Pads preset samples by Lotuzia
Pads preset samples
Bass Lead Fx preset samples by Lotuzia
PolyKB II Bass Lead Fx preset samples
ARP Percs Woodwind preset samples by Lotuzia
PolyKB II ARP Percs Woodwind preset samples